Extended Length Focusing Ring - Blue Anodized

$9.99 inc. tax

Product Code: SL-EFRB

Extended Length Focusing Ring - Blue Anodized Summary

The extended length focusing ring is precision-machined from aircraft grade aluminum and is designed to fit standard 9mm diameter lens assemblies. It is nearly 1/2" long with a knurled outer surface and allows easier focusing without burning your fingers. The outside diameter is sized to fit commonly-used protective lens caps. A taper is machined into the output end of the ring which gives it a "rocket nozzle" appearance. Blue anodizing matches our blue anodized heat sink.

Protected by U.S. Patent no. US 686,097 S.
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Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)

5 product stars
Nice Add-On - Andrew Willis - Monday, July 30, 2012
got this to add to my M-140 S4 build and it was a nice add-on. great quality product!!

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